Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Once and Future Kings

By: Henry

Warning: What started as a blog about my thoughts on my current career status and my impending plans to improve that status, has become a monster all its own, gone off the deep-end into a series of run-on sentences, rants and tangents. Please don’t look at this as what I’d call a publish-ready work. 

Recently I’ve been working on making some life changes with respect to my qualifications, career, and overall happiness when I came across this article written by a friend of mine. You might want to check it out to make better sense of what I’m saying.

I like what she has to say and can certainly relate to what she's getting at. I think in terms of our parents' potential "bad" influence, much of it comes from their understandable lack of foresight in how one generation builds of off one-another, ultimately changing the entire game altogether. In previous generations, Americans mostly adhered to a self imposed caste system where sons of doctors became doctors and sons of farmers would most likely end up farmers and the idea of one becoming the other would probably be (as Wallace Shawn so eloquently put it) inconceivable.

The further along our society went towards its more modernized state, our parents found themselves in a world where one was not necessarily limited to their origins if they were willing to work hard and sacrifice. This new realization could be taken advantage of by those who understood this concept because it was just that, new. By the time our part of the equation hits, this new idea is no longer new and even the less ambitious of parents most likely taught their kids how they can make up for mommy and daddy's mistakes. Now that we have all been given this self entitlement, we have also gone out and created a more competitive environment which leads to the gen y stereotypes of the slacker who sees this ultra competitive atmosphere and protests it in their own way and the overachiever who has decided that it is the only way to make something of themselves in this new world order.

As someone who can admit to being both extremes at different times I find my self struggling to try to find a happy medium. Growing up, my dad always told me that a bachelor's degree was a magic piece of paper that will guarantee success and teachers throughout my schooling seemed (to a lesser degree) to support that notion. I think it would be safe to assume that a majority of those who found themselves bright eyed and bushy tailed out of a degree program could attest to the fact that my father's analysis has become outdated due to graduates becoming far more numerous than any generation before. In my ignorance I obtained a degree that was more interesting to me than applicable to the job market, thinking that there would be plenty of employers looking to hire me regardless of my field of study.

To anyone who reads this who may not know me, after college I went on the hunt for a career and found that someone with a history degree doesn't have many options. Yes, my degree relied heavily on research and analysis and yes, I can do both with proficiency. Yes, I have quality writing skills (or at least that's what my professor's led me to believe). Yes, my peers consider me of above average intelligence.
No, nobody cares.

If you got your degree in engineering and became an engineer or in nursing and became a nurse, then good on you. If your degree is like mine and appears vague to the unfamiliar and uninformed than there is a good chance you'll end up like me in the rat race within a rat race known as sales and sales management.

Still gleaming with pride from completing my degree, I took an attractive offer with Enterprise Rent-a-Car for their management training program. While I’ve been with ERAC for 2 years I have gained knowledge and experience on how to run a small business from an operational standpoint which is unquestionably appreciated; however, I’ve also learned that I am not content with being one of the masses. After all, I’m a gen y’er who’s too stubborn to settle.

Two years out of college I find myself at a crossroads. My job pays a wage that is...well, fair. And to be fair to my current employer, since working here I have been able to: purchase a home, pay my bills, and feed my family. I have decent insurance (medical/dental/vision/volcano) and retirement options that I am foolishly not taking full advantage of. So why complain?

1. Well, for one, I do have that sense of entitlement, as I mentioned, which tells me I'm meant for greater things or at least more fulfilling things. My paycheck pays the bills, but just barely. Like so many Americans, I live paycheck to paycheck. I make just enough to get by and if life happens and extra expenses need to be incurred, then a credit card is my only option (which as I'm sure many of you know, is not always a good thing). When living on a tight budget, those credit cards you used to bail you out of a jam can start to stack.

2. The job itself is all about aggressive sales. Countless intelligent and capable colleagues of mine have been past up for promotions by folks who surpass them in sales numbers alone. The strongest leaders and most capable minds always end up being overshadowed by their less capable cohorts based on a skill set meant not for the management but their employees.

3. I can’t help but feel like I could be doing better for what my specific skill set and capabilities are. I never set out to be an overachiever. I definitely have my limits and think I’m somewhat familiar with what they are; it’s just that I know that with what I’m doing, I am nowhere near those limits, nor am I on a path to reaching them.

I like solving problems, analyzing situations, taking creative license, and facing challenges that provoke the intellect. I am and always have been a nerdy brain and I’d like to be paid for it if at all possible. It is at this point in my life to where the supposed, “gen y over achiever” in me wishes to reconcile my goals with my reality. I’m not excited about where I am professionally, which I know is common. The difference I’ve decided to make however is in figuring out what it is I can do about it. Rather than wallow in it.

Going back to Erica’s article, gen y’ers tend to slack or overachieve and in some cases now, overachieve the wrong way. In my given situation I’ve seen both occur when someone finds themselves in a displeasing situation such as mine. The slacker route seems to be the easiest and therefore most popular in my experience. We are built up with this sense that we can achieve anything but we’re not always told how. I can imagine many getting to this point and creating their own brick wall to halt their progress. From an outside point of view it may seem obvious that if no one told you what to do, then it would be sensible to take initiative and figure it out. That sense of entitlement though, makes it much easier to blame the world for not granting you that which you deserve. In the end, rather than break, climb, or go around that brick wall, the slacker just sits at it in protest and wonders simultaneously aloud, within, and subconsciously what happened.

I’ve also seen some go all Dwight Schrute, thinking that will get them ahead. Yes we were told we can do anything we try hard enough for, but how many really do? Or at least do it right? I see many take the Dwight path where it’s all about intensity rather than intelligence. Kissing ass, back stabbing, deceit, peacock feathers. This is what they do. I can’t lie and say that this method will always prove fruitless. Indeed the problem is that it does work just enough to where others who can’t seem to get by on skill can fall back on these methods and forge ahead. Again this isn’t the guaranteed method, just one that’s been proven enough times to work so that others take cues from those who successfully used it. If you are reading this I’m hoping you are not one of those people but at the same time I am a realist and understand that my wishes may not always go fulfilled.

As a culture we seem to discourage the slacker to a degree but I question whether or not we discourage the over achieving monster who favors deceit and ruthlessness to his/her credit rather than intelligence and talent. If we reward this behavior we end up with companies ran by bullshitters, who in the end will kindly ask their subordinates to go down with the ship while they try to make a break for it, much like the examples Enron and Arthur Andersen left for us. At the end of the day both these types, slacker and over-achiever, are negative stereotypes that gen y’ers need to shake if we are ever going to truly inherit this world from our predecessors. And to you snakes out there who think that playing dirty has done you good thus far, take a look again at that Enron example and all the others like it and remember that success is fleeting to those can’t properly maintain it (macro and micro).

So what does all this mean to me? As someone who did go to college but then came out feeling ultimately disenfranchised, I’ve decided that I don’t have the heart to be the snake and I cannot live with myself being the slacker who settled. So I have hit that proverbial brick wall and have decided that I really want to see what’s on the other side. Last week I wondered into the local state university and inquired on the availability of an academic advisor. I told her my story and asked if there was anything I could do about it. I came to learn that I am not alone. There is a silent majority of gen y that has decided to do what I am now planning on doing, which is something. So as of now I have applied for admission to graduate school to earn a degree that can apply more readily to the workforce as well as filled out my first FAFSA in over 2 years. It is my hope that I can continue to improve myself and hopefully stand out as someone from my generation who found his way out of the maze. I know that I am one of many and that the "you can do anything you set your mind to attitude" is no longer a secret to be taken advantage of. Really all we can do now is strive to be the best we can while keeping in mind that each and every one of us needs to figure out how we can stand out from the crowd and do what's necessary without expensing others in the process. I know that this new turn of events for me guarantees no success, but in the end, I’d at least like to say that I tried and tried with dignity.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I Was Already Here When the Bandwagon Came Through

"You know what really grinds my gears?"

Remember that episode of Family Guy? I do, and it makes me think: You know what really grinds my gears? So I came up with a list of some topics I wanted to discuss or if nothing else, get out there in a space more appropriate than facebook. As an added bonus I decided to bring my lovely wife along to keep me in check, give counterpoints, and additional insight; pretty much to give anyone who reads this an extra voice of reason to quell the ravings of a mad man.

Warning: This may devolve into a rant

I thought that I'd keep things simple this first go around and not jump into some of the greater controversies just yet. With that I wanna talk zombies. I love me some zombie genre. I can go on about why, but rather I'd like to talk about how everybody else all of a sudden has taken an interest in the undead. At the core of the matter I want to address the phenomenon of when something creeps from cult status to a more mainstream one.

The reason I chose the zombie example is because I like to dabble in fiction from time to time and lately I've been toying with a zombie themed tale. In writing it I began to imagine how such a tale would be received (yes, I am fully aware that I'm getting ahead of myself). I thought to myself how the zombie genre has become more mainstream lately and that anyone who did not know me would most likely attribute my choice of subject matter to a simple act of jumping on the bandwagon or trying to "cash in" on its burgeoning popularity. At this point (while I continue to get ahead of myself), I became frustrated that I now had to justify myself. I imagined that this is what people who were into vampires must have felt like once Twilight and all its clones put vampires in vogue. I mean, every time I see some new vamp/romance book at the store, I can't help but roll my eyes. I feel the same way about the influx of stories involving a boy who learns he is some chosen one with special abilities in the vein of Harry Potter.

Conversely, I can't completely be against the sudden popularity of a beloved subject matter. For all the half baked cash-ins that the marketing machines manufacture we also get more love for the genre in that it becomes legitimized and the way is paved for quality products as well. Going back to the zombie example, as of late there have been (in my opinion anyways) some great new additions to the zombieverse (yeah I just made that word up, big whup, wanna fight about it!). Before I hadn't many places to get my z fix aside from Romero's classics and the old Resident Evil games. Now we have Zack Snyder's Dawn of the Dead, Shawn of the Dead, and Zombieland to name a few pluses in the movie column. For literature, Max Brooks' Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z (buy this book right now, seriously its the bees knees people!) are now best sellers and widely praised. On the video game side of things we have the Left 4 Dead and Dead Rising franchises. Lastly I get to look forward to AMC's 6 episode adaptation of the comic series The Walking Dead (which looks awesome). Honestly it's hard to complain about all that comes with the popularization without also appreciating all the potential as well.


I think at the end of the day I can't help but support the trend. I do, however, have some things I wanna say about this type of thing.

1. Don't be a dick.
It's so easy for people to judge harshly when it comes to something they hold so dear. People can easily become possessive of ideas and subject matters that are held with fondness and admiration. As a result I've seen folks become defensive of their interests and being quick to judge others who hope to also partake in similar interests. Maybe they've invested so much in whatever it is they're "defending", that the idea of another who may not be as invested, can be seen almost offensive. Kinda like someone who loves the Star Wars movies but hasn't really gotten into the extended universe through the hundreds of books and other various media. I could see such a person looked upon as a "poseur"by the superfans, which brings me to my next point....

2. Just be glad someone out there has a common interest.
Don't give me some emo/goth BS about conformity (by the way emo/goth kids, take a look at yourselves and each other. You all dress and act alike and have been known to shun those who don't. Hence you are by definition, conformists). What I mean by this is that it's okay if others (even many others) share your interests. Even if someone may not be as well versed as you, that doesn't make them the enemy. It's always a boon to share common ground, it helps us coexist as a society, so why bash it? Do you know how lonely it is for a geek like me to be living here in the south? My particular brand of nerd is hard to come by out here compared to how it was growing up in Arizona. I would love to find more people who share my interests. Right now I'd easily settle for someone who is not as versed in sci-fi/fantasy or video games but still holds an interest, which then leads to my last piece of advice....

3. Don't hate, collaborate.
If the interest is there and common ground can be made, rather than dwell on someone's short comings, why not engage the person in conversation and activity in order to gain more level footing. I was far more into comic books than my friends when I was in high school. This is not to say that they didn't share the interest but they weren't as "hardcore" about it as I was. Still we went to comic shops, had conversations, compared notes, shared stories, etc. I lent friends books I liked, made suggestions, and in turn I did discover a few good things that I myself hadn't been exposed to and wouldn't have otherwise if not for some friendly collaboration. With that being said, don't think you know everything or that someone who appears less versed won't be able to contribute.

The bandwagon gets a bad rap. Now, I do recognize that there will be people who jump on a band wagon for reasons that make the above pointless. Bad books, bad movies, bad games and other similar examples of shallow cash-ins will be unavoidable by-products of the bandwagon's journey through society. Similarly, fair weather fans will leap and leach to each new fad as it comes along and abandon it just as fast when the next one surfaces. Still I'd like to hope that with the bandwagon's passing some new fans will stay past the expiration date and wanna hang out, existing fans will find each other easier through the societal popularization, and maybe if we can all just get along we just might win one of those fair weather fans over to the real thing. Whose to say how many people never continued on with an interest because we made the price of admission to high in the long run.

Even if you hadn't liked zombies until recently, there's nothing wrong with liking something that is popular. The reason why many things are popular, and the band-wagon gets started to begin with, is because they are good! I.e. good music, good food, good stories, etc. The negative implication of "jumping on the bandwagon" comes from, I think, those people who like things because they are popular. They don't really have a taste of their own, they just conform to the common consensus. (hello alliteration!)

That last bit is a separate subject all its own. I think this modern society of ours' contains far too many people whose entire identity and self image comes exclusively from the cues of others. Their interests and values stem from what Hollywood and other popular culture venues tell them, ultimately leaving them devoid of independent thought and incapable of critical thinking (especially if it's involving something contradictory to what they've been told). Aqua Teen Hunger Force (number one in the hood G) has a great example of this phenomena when Master Shake, annoyed with Frylock for having to visit a museum, defiantly argues, "Egypt doesn't even exist! I mean, you don't hear DMX rap about it!" I could go on but this material looks ripe for a future blog so I'll leave it at that and hopefully leave you with something to look forward to.